About Us


Nabasta is competent in wayang premium quality product for the interior particularly and for the various daily style needs namely: wayang display, wayang bookmarks, wayang hand fan, wayang bag and wayang t-shirt. Nabasta founded in 2014 by Demy Raharja, the son of Mr. Sabar one of the popular wayang conventional making in Yogyakarta. The deer was chosen as its logo, it symbolize of earth. Nabasta itself derived from ancient Java Language Nabastala, it means sky. Nabasta implied the balance of sky and earth.

Nabasta provokes by four elements:

  • The quality product materials.

Nabasta always apply buffalo skin for the wayang material. It has solid character, thick, weatherproof and durable. Nabasta custom the holder made from buffalo horn since it has an excellent quality, unbreakable and embellish with golden yellow radiance look

  • The professional craftsmen

Nabasta is reinforced by decades experience wayang craftsmen. They are trained toward Nabasta premium quality product. We precede details, tidiness and accuracy from sculpting

  • The professional color craftsmen

It is not merely brushing but the craftsmen has a philosophy to brush the wayang as its alive as the character. No wonder it takes more times.

  • The professional horn holder craftsmen

Treating buffalo horn requires well skill and experience, if the craftsmen mistook in heating the holder will be broken and burnt. Nabasta horn holder craftsmen has undoubted competency within theirs decades experience and skill.